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Aug 19, 2022 7:45 PM
There are 10/10 moments scattered about, but the movie overall was exceedingly underwhelming. Easily my least favorite of the new generation of films. The animation style was better than I expected going in, but I still was not a fan of the CGI art style either. Was really looking forward to a Gohan/Piccolo-centric story too, so it bums me out that I didn't really enjoy it. |
Aug 19, 2022 7:59 PM
Really good for people who have not seen anything dragon ball related |
Aug 19, 2022 8:01 PM
I just came back from the theater. It was the first Dragon Ball movie ever screened in my country, so I was quite excited. The animation was better than I expected but didn't feel like the usual style of Dragon Ball. The plot was nice and simple, and it was refreshing they focused on some other characters for a change. It also had some nostalgic throwbacks and references to the OG Dragon Ball. The humor was also on point, especially the parts with Bulma and Gotenks. It was great seeing Picollo and Gohan working together again and coming a full circle, although I feel the inclusion of Krillin and the gang in the fight was redundant. They should have focused on Gohan's Piccolo dynamic more. Overall, I had a great experience. I can't wait for the new season coming in 2023. |
My candies: |
Aug 19, 2022 9:42 PM
Aug 20, 2022 6:23 AM
I was not a big fan of the film, especially compared to the previous Broly film. Too much flab on this one while Broly was tight with its characters and story. Not a fan of this animation either, got used to it by the end but was distracting. I understand the movie needed to keep Goku and Vegeta occupied so that Piccolo and Gohan could be focused on here but I was simply not interested, felt a waste of time when there was such a big threat going on Earth. Humor didn't work for me either. Around the time that the RR was kidnapping Pan was about where the movie picked up for me and got better as it really focused up. Still overall was only a decent watch for me. Hovering around a 7/10 or a high 6 as a rating for me. |
Aug 20, 2022 9:55 AM
I totally forgot we saw this last night. I like the movie in fact it's good. Felt like repeat of the android arc. To me at least. |
Aug 20, 2022 10:59 AM
I really disliked it. Second worst DB movie IMO (Bio Broly still the worst). The only positive I can say is that the Gamma androids were super cool and Pan+Piccolo scenes were very wholesome, but oh boy, everything else was terrible. |
Aug 20, 2022 12:33 PM
Just finished watching the movie, was the only person in my theater so I basically had a private viewing lmao. I must admit, I had been shitting on the film and art style since the first image and trailer dropped a few months ago and I definitely regret it. Despite not liking CGI, I really ended up enjoying how it was used in the film. It was so nice to see the Broly crew back in action. Been 4 years which is insane to think! Broly still hasn’t learnt to control his powers lol. And beerus has a crush?? On cheelai?? That was hilarious “you’re cute, you can stay” I love how they addressed the fact that this all could have been avoided had they just wished the red ribbon army away lmao. At least piccolo was honest about just wanting to do it the traditional way, I respect that. I wish Cell Max would have had some memories of Gohan and his original self, that would have taken the movie to an even better score for me personally. The final fight reminded me a LOT of the Bio Broly movie which I watched hundreds of times back in the day lol. In fact I’m pretty sure it was the same people in this final fight that was in that one and same circumstances with Goku and Vegeta being away lol. The CGI allowed them to really go over the top with the Cell Max fight. Gamma’s suicide dive was awesome. RIP to a real hero. I hope we get a name for Gohan’s new form and see more of it. That was sick. It actually reminds me a lot of those SSJ 1-10 videos that we used to watch on YouTube back in the day lmao. Piccolo being useful again for the first time since the cell saga(ironic) was great to see. His shenron power boost could definitely be useful in future fights. Pan stole the show for me. Her moments were so damn adorable lol. Anyway, I could talk for hours about this so I’ll end with this. Movie was great. Not as good as Broly, but it was a cool change up. Hope the anime comes back soon. Review is also up. |
Aug 21, 2022 5:03 PM
Just got back from watching Super Hero and I enjoyed it. Was it as flashy as the Broly movie? Of course not, but this film had its own special charm to it. The CGI wasn't as bad and it really played into the Super Hero theme. There were a lot of call backs to the older series for hardcore Dragon Ball fans along with some perfectly timed comedic moments that didn't wore out its welcome. The most important thing was that it gave Piccolo something to do besides fighting while Gohan was taking his time to spring into action like it was their own little adventure. We got to see Goku and Vegeta fight while Broly, Whis, and Berus were watching along with the crew that was traveling with Broly. I really like the new characters of the Gamma 1 and 2(rip) and Dr Hedio not being evil as Dr. Gero. I'm curious to see how they fit into the Dragon Ball universe. Magenta played the classic villain for the new Red Ribbon army and I liked the call back made to the previous series with him being the son of the former leader of the Red Ribbon army. Cell Max was not very impressive to me as all it did scream and rage out of control like Broly did, but he did serve his purpose as the final boss of the movie giving us a decent fight out of it. It was cool to see 18, Krillin, Goten and Trunks show up to fight Cell Max too. Gohan's new transformation looked impressive, but we didn't get to see enough of it since he only did a few moves plus the Special Beam Cannon. At least we get see Piccolo do something with his new transformation when he was fighting Gamma 2. I hope these aren't one off transformations for Gohan and Piccolo as Dragon Ball Super has been playing fast and loose with the transformations recently. What I really like is just seeing Gohan fight as he went from Super Saiyan to Ultimate(Mystic) form. Pan showed a little bit of potential as she finally learned how to fly. Overall the movie was very entertaining and I'll be buying this and the Broly movie on Blue Ray. I think this movie continues to show that Gohan always had the potential to surpass his father Goku. That's why Goku pushed Gohan in the Cell arc while they training in the room of Spirit and Time which lead to him reaching SS2 before Goku and Vegeta did. It's just a matter of Gohan taking responsibility as the strongest warrior on earth while Goku and Vegeta are away and not being able to rely on those two to save the day every single time like its the literal Goku and Vegeta show. Gohan's power is linked to his emotions like all saiyans with his rage being the ultimate trigger. He just got to tap into his sayian bloodline and let it all out. It was also be better if Gohan had some one on one time with Whis so he can better control his new power. Gohan can easily lead a new generation of Earth's warriors with Piccolo, Goten, Trunks, 17, 18, Pan, and Krilin. lol at Vegeta finally being able to defeat Goku in the end. RIP Red Ribbon Army for now. There were quite a lot of people in the movie theater when I was watching it, but not nearly as packed for Broly. 7/10 |
AddaeAkonoAug 21, 2022 11:30 PM
Aug 21, 2022 5:19 PM
I loved this so much more than I thought I would. Also when piccolo flew up and was all orange and buff, something new awakened in me and I don't know how to feel now 😂 |
Aug 21, 2022 5:57 PM
Pleasantly surprised. Went in with low expectations. The 3D gave off that "videogame cutscene" look a few times here and there, and they went a little overboard with the panning shots sometimes, but overall I think they achieved a decent aesthetic - though i'll always prefer how Broly Super looked. The nostalgic elements were on point, the humor was great, the story was compelling enough. Cell Max was actually quite terrifying as a final boss - the finale didn't top the end of the Cell Saga for me, but letting others shine besides Goku and Vegeta made up for it. Was still nice to see them, though. Pan was painfully adorable as well. |
Aug 21, 2022 10:54 PM
Worst Dragon Ball movie to date in my opinion. Don't give a fuck about Gohan or Pickleman. Don't give a fuck about redbitch army. Don't give a fuck about Gohan somehow topping Goku with the worst transformation hairstyle. Waste of time movie probably done to get merch out to the toddler brain DB fans who fantasize about Gohan fucking their favorite waifu pillow...and pickle enthusiasts. In general just feels like a money grab dumpster fire. Boring as shit, uninteresting plot premise, characters they chose to focus on are about as relevant as me trying to stop a nuclear war (I would have zero impact same as Gohan and Pickle having "character development"). Useless movie brings nothing to the actual DB universe. Remarkably worse than the DB game mini-series that was produced. Ok, now that I basically said I hated it 9x I can go back to watching cooking tutorials. |
Aug 23, 2022 9:21 PM
Loved this movie, glad we got a movie that focuses on other characters other than Goku and Vegita. This was very much a Piccolo movie, and I'm all for it. The new androids and dr. hedo were pretty cool, and I hope they show up again in the future. Also sweet that this movie comes after Broly movie and Broly is like the 3rd stooge with Goku and Vegeta haha. |
Aug 24, 2022 7:53 AM
In order to give the spotlight to Gohan and Piccolo this movie was just stupid. I don´t expect anything great plot wise from Dragon Ball (that pretty much died once Cell ended) but holy shit this movie was bad. Every single character had CIS, the power ups were terrible, the comedy was hit or miss and the fight scenes were weirdly choreographed. At least they acknowledge the usage of the dragon balls for whatever the fuck now, that was funny. And as always there was nothing at risk considering the "bad guys" were just pushovers and Cell was Bio-Broly 2.0 |
Aug 24, 2022 3:18 PM
Story: 6/10 Thank God it wasn't Goku and Vegeta saving the day again lol. I feel that Dr. Hedo would've made a more interesting final boss, like if we saw his superhero ideals get warped over the course of the movie or something. Wait this isn't MHA, never mind then >_> Characters: 7/10
Animation: 8/10 Initially I was uncertain about this movie being done mostly in CG, but I found myself intrigued by how it worked along side the 2D scenes/FX here and there. I also liked how the flashbacks were done in 2D as well. Geeking that I saw Naotoshi Shida in the credits uwu Other ravings (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ "Why can I see his sound effects?" is by far my favorite line in this entire movie. Final verdit: 6.5/10 Though that rounds up to 7 anyway, soooo yeah. I'm grateful since this was the first anime movie I got to see in theaters ((꜆꜄ ˙꒳˙)꜆꜄꜆ |
ImpactFramesAug 24, 2022 3:24 PM
Aug 26, 2022 1:05 AM
Quite a fun movie. Worth the theatre watch. It was refreshing to watch piccolo lead a movie (hope other side characters also get their movies.) The movie had quite a lot of fan service and parallels to original dragon ball. Best thing about it is non of the fanservice felt forced or wasted like mha movies or one piece stampede. It just syncs so well in narrative. Great usage of flashbacks too. Also i really liked how fleshed out new characters felt. Art and designs were the best part of movie better than previous movie or super (it was simply glorious to see Gohan in og dress, piccolo's base or red rebel army base or Korin Tower or piccolo buff form in orange version etc ). Cgi was also awesome, The fight scenes were quite good with lot of camera (they even did the jojo attack effects lol). At first i thought it couldn't create enough tension, but that was definitely not the case based on cell max fight. Infact i have never seen cgi being able to pull such unrealistic scenes this good in anime before so it was quite a unique experience. Tone of this movie is quite light-hearted compared to previous movies even though there were few death (more resembling to initial dragon ball rather than z). One of my biggest criticism about the movie would be that movie just felt too quick and too simple. Other minor criticism would be gamma never felt serious enough threat (even though they were fun characters). So their fight with Gohan and piccolo was a bit underwhelming, felt like it only had the intensity of a challenging sparring match (which made piccolo power up look a bit out of tone. Even though dragon ball wish was the real cause and intro was still great scene wise ). Also i wish this movie showed parallel or reference to great saiyaman of dbz, a really big missed opportunity considering the theme and characters involved. Overall better than JJK 0 or MHA World Heroes' Mission which i previously watched though not as good as Demon Slayer mugan train out of the recent shonen movies. |
AdampkAug 26, 2022 1:19 AM
Click for a anime mashup! Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE |
Aug 26, 2022 8:03 AM
Not the best DB movie, but i would be lying if i said i didn't had a good time. Love that the focus isn't on Goku and Vegeta and instead giving screentime to other characters which have been sidelined, especially Picoolo. He and the gammas were definitely the highlight. 6/10 |
Aug 27, 2022 3:20 AM
The intro showing Goku's battle against the red ribbon army throughout the ages was amazing. I loved the amount of attention Piccolo got throughout this movie and how he's now a powerful combatant again. His relationship with Pan was very adorable too! Gohan bringing it together and showing his power again made this definitely a movie to see. |
Aug 27, 2022 9:40 AM
Just watched the movie in Cinema! I liked movie a lot! The movie was enjoyable. I liked the CGI animation and I would like to see another movie if CGI is this good. The animation, humor & fights were great. The only thing I didn't liked was rage mode of Cell, everything else was great. My favorite characters from movie were Gamma 1 & 2, Piccolo & pan. Orange Piccolo was awesome to watch. My favorite part is easily Gohan's new form and his final attack. Animation went nuts in that scene. Overall:- 8.5/10 movie for me! |
Aug 27, 2022 1:25 PM
Very typical for a Dragon Ball movie, but can I deny that I still very much enjoyed it. Honestly, I didn't think the 3dcg would still be too well with me but this movie was p good regardless. I enjoyed the whole thing and will rewatch this in sub since I watched this in cinema dubbed. Some memorable shit: - Beerus flirting 😳 - Bulma cake 😳 - GOAThan coming back and Piccolo glow up 🙏 - Pan being very based 🙏 OST pretty damn good but I forgot it already. Will find it again sometime. I need to finish DBS and Broly tho now. |
Aug 27, 2022 5:23 PM
I was, to my own surprise, VERY into the movie way more than I thought I would be. I'm extremely satisfied with the amount of WELL DESERVED screentime/hype moments for both Piccolo and Gohan. It's been long overdue since this wonderful duo got to shine once more and they certainly delivered in this gem of a movie. Loved this movie start to finish! 😁 |
Aug 28, 2022 1:35 AM
Amazing animation |
Aug 29, 2022 10:34 AM
Orange Pickles > Gohan Blanco |
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there." "Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life." |
Aug 29, 2022 4:54 PM
Absolutely loved the new movie, got goosebumps at Gohan's special beam cannon. The flashback stuff all looked soo good too, I wish Kai had been that beautiful. Cell Max, and the Gammas are great enemies, I was expecting a lil more personality to Cell Max but w/e. Hedo and Magenta were great too, I really felt the OG Dragon Ball humour in this movie. Magenta standing on the boxes to appear taller was hilarious. Was cool to see the Broly cameo too, looking forward to seeing Broly and Gohan/Piccolo's new forms in the Super continuation, whatever that may be! I reckon an announcement is coming soon, either of another movie, or the follow up series. |
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers |
Aug 29, 2022 7:08 PM
better then broly ngl |
Aug 30, 2022 9:43 AM
RimveBiceps said: Amazing animation I was worried at first that CGI might not be as good as one would expect it to be in a movie belonging to such huge and popular franchise, but luckily it was not half bad. In fact, it was marvelously done. Another thing worth of commending was fighting choreography. Detailed, smooth, well animated and creative. |
Aug 31, 2022 8:37 PM
I finally went to see it at the movies, it was very good!! I liked it a lot, it was very entertaining, the fights were great and the animation was pretty good. |
Sep 1, 2022 2:57 AM
Sep 1, 2022 3:05 AM
This movie wouldve benefited if it was an arc in dbs, by alot imagine seeing gohan going through training again and then gaining the new form |
Sep 2, 2022 8:20 AM
i go to cinema and it was so cool |
Sep 3, 2022 3:07 AM
finally a movie or a season that doesn't focused only on goku or vegeta a time that give the spot light to other charecters |
Sep 4, 2022 8:57 AM
Just saw it at the cinema. |
![]() Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022 |
Sep 9, 2022 9:49 PM
I think the last movie was a little better but I still loved this one. It was much funnier than I expected. I never really found Dragon Ball that funny, but Toriyama was at the top of his game when he wrote this. I laughed a lot. At times it was just like something Team Four Star would write. Pan was incredibly cute too. 9/10 from me. |
Sep 10, 2022 8:16 PM
Dr. Gero's grandson? Gohan Blanco? Orange Piccolo? Cell Max? I'm sorry but is this a fanfiction that some 10 years old wrote whose parents work for Toei so they got it adapted into a movie? Seriously, they even went out of their way to make Gohan's hair bigger so his adult body would look more like Cell Game Gohan lmao. So after Ultra Instinct got ragdolled by 3 people in the Granolah arc, here are 2 androids who are as strong as Goku, Cell wannabe who is far stronger, Piccolo who wishes to be strong, and Gohan surpassing everyone by getting really mad because P O T E N T I A L as always. Ultra Instinct everyone, the penultimate technique that not even gods could achieve. At least the SOL moments were nice I guess, and the visual was great even though the fight were underwhelming compared to Broly. |
Sep 12, 2022 11:03 AM
I didn't expect it to be this good, and I was afraid the CGI would be too difficult for me to focus on the plot but I quickly got used to it. The plot was pretty decent and the new characters were very interesting and it was great to see Goten and Trunks older with their (failed but funny af) fusion. Though I must say Beerus weird acting around that girl whose name I forgot, was a bit strange and way out of character lol. What was mind-blowing for me was also the many fighting scenes as CGI, it was done very well! And the OST was insane, not gonna lie. Would've been |
CranefaceSep 12, 2022 11:07 AM
Sep 13, 2022 10:44 AM
[Spoiler thoughts...] I was nostalgic over the fact that Dragonball was really a huge part of my childhood and to some extent raised my expectation of this movie. The great stuff: - Piccolo getting a power boost. - Gohan taking a leading role. - Shenron with the upgrade. - Comedic Beerus being infatuated with Cheelai. - Comedic Bulma making beauty wishes. - Comedic fusion Trunks & Goten. The not so great stuff: - The movie tried to tell too much of a good story in a short time (it felt lacking) - I think the nostalgic part of me wanted Cell 2.0 to swallow Gamma 1 and 2. I was kind of disappointed it didn't happen (but this is its own story and I respect that - this is just my opinion) - We did not get to fully see the true capabilities of Gamma 1 and 2. There background story was understood, but it felt lacking in explaining their powers and the comparison of those powers with the likes of Gohan, Piccolo or even Goku. - The scope of the movie felt a bit limited given how big the Multiverse is and what we know with so many Universes, Zen-o-sama and Jiren. But I did enjoy it. Definitely been deprived of canon DBS content. |
Sep 18, 2022 5:44 AM
Look, I hate the orange color but love that Pic finally got a serious upgrade. Gohan's upgrade was nice as well. Over all good movie. Animation(Drawing?) Style looked alittle weird at first but it grew on me through out the movie. Wound recommend |
Sep 20, 2022 10:35 PM
As a long time Dragon Ball fan, this is definitely great. It really does justice to Gohan and Piccolo. Overall, I really loved it |
Sep 23, 2022 3:47 AM
Saw it at the drive in movie theatre and it was AWESOME! |
Sep 28, 2022 1:38 PM
Piccolo = child beater comfirmed xD Great that he took the center stage again for a change. As much as I enjoyed him as uncle for Pan in Super, it's not quite the same as having the badass fighter back. Same goes for Gohan. Putting aside all the plot contrivances, I enjoyed the mix between slice of life, comedy and CGI action. |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Oct 5, 2022 7:34 PM
i was surprised at how fun the movie was just up until Cell Max showed who really dragged the movie down, this has to be one of the worst DB movie villains, up there with Bio-Broly an King Slug the Gammas were fun, an Piccolo infiltrating RR headquarters was entertaining, he is really a babysitter lmao, so now the good guys have a scientist on their side who can create SSJ Blue lvl androids Orange Piccolo was lame, i prefered how Piccolo could just power up without changing appearance an then theres Gohan Blanco (an to me thats his official name) i dont think we ve even gonna get any explanation as to what that is añso why has Gohan forgotten so many basic things? i mean the universe tournament wasnt that long ago right? an also dont like that they keep impying that Goku doesnt know what mental training is, like he has done it before 7/10 they really brought Norio Wakamoto back just to scream a lot WTF |
Oct 7, 2022 12:29 PM
Roteiro preguiçoso, personagens inimigos genericos, lutas com impacto devastador e tudo que Dragon Ball pode oferecer, o brilho dessa obra esta na comédia e na pancadaria, o roteiro sempre foi bem ruim e tudo bem, Dragon Ball é a obra que entrega diversão e nessa homenagem a dupla Piccolo e Gohan podemos ver toda a diversão encarnando um pouco da nostalgia seguida de uma animação interessante |
Oct 13, 2022 2:21 AM
Oct 13, 2022 4:05 AM
Went so hard, 10/10 |
Oct 22, 2022 1:27 PM
Just more nostalgia bait from the most creatively bankrupt anime / manga going. |
Oct 22, 2022 1:30 PM
JustMonaka said: Dr. Gero's grandson? Gohan Blanco? Orange Piccolo? Cell Max? I'm sorry but is this a fanfiction that some 10 years old wrote whose parents work for Toei so they got it adapted into a movie? Seriously, they even went out of their way to make Gohan's hair bigger so his adult body would look more like Cell Game Gohan lmao. So after Ultra Instinct got ragdolled by 3 people in the Granolah arc, here are 2 androids who are as strong as Goku, Cell wannabe who is far stronger, Piccolo who wishes to be strong, and Gohan surpassing everyone by getting really mad because P O T E N T I A L as always. Ultra Instinct everyone, the penultimate technique that not even gods could achieve. At least the SOL moments were nice I guess, and the visual was great even though the fight were underwhelming compared to Broly. Dragon Ball fans are the worst. If a fan pitched this idea, they would call it terrible. Dragon Ball Super is basically just repeating past events with a different coat of paint. They should rename Dragon Ball Super to Dragon Ball Rehash, because that is all it really is, and it's definitely not super. |
-Hermit-Oct 30, 2022 10:09 PM
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